Wednesday, December 28, 2011

'Twas the Break Just for Christmas

To start off BYU's Christmas break, Shana and I had a true baking fest. We started our work after a little bit of shopping and planning. With great difficultly we reduced our baking list from 12 to a mere 7 varieties of sweets. It took the whole day, but the products were delightful, as was the process. We were able to enjoy them all the way up to Christmas and still give plenty away.  I think this is how I'll do it every holiday season. Shana is quite the whiz.

The Beginning of Coconut Macaroons
 The Final Details
 Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies
 Ginger Snaps
 Snowballs (delicate butter cookies with a chocolate center...)
 All in a days work (also including Peanut Butter Brownies and Oatmeal Raisin Cookies)


  1. I didn't see this post before....but I am jealous, especially of all the mouths to eat the said treats so you don't gain twenty five pounds!
