Friday, January 14, 2011

Back at Good Ol' BYWoo

It's the close of another day. Coincidently, it's also the end of another week of classes, work, and other such gaieties. Two down and just thirteen more to go: when counting in weeks the semester doesn't seem unbearably long. However, this semester is going to be great, as it has already proved, so no one's wishing for its end just yet (we'll see how I feel when we approach all the big writing projects' deadlines). I’ve thought a lot about it this week actually…

Elder Christofferson gave a CES fireside last Sunday about enjoying the present, which I found very helpful and inspirational. Being fully invested in the moment is definitely not something I do on a regular basis. But really, there's so much I can gain and take pleasure in if I put my attention in " the now." Plus there are always lots of great things to do at this very instant; why be unduly concerned about the future? Classes (and their homework assignments) are challenging and interesting. Work is challenging and becoming very interesting (I was "promoted" this week to be one of four lead students in charge of training and overall organization for different teams…lots more to do!). German housing is challenging and always interesting because half of us speak German quite proficiently and the other half (of which I am a part) struggles with mastering the nuances (and fundamental aspects) of speaking the language well. And to add to all of that, the church is true, a knowledge that brings light and perspective to everything that comes along. So why not take each minute as it comes and embrace life whole-heartedly?

And I’m off the soapbox now. That’s all from this part of the world.


  1. I just listened to that talk a few days ago on the LDS website myself. It was inspirational for me as well. You have so many wonderful things going for you, Elisabeth - definitely lots to appreciate in the moment. Good luck with all your endeavors this semester!

  2. I loved that fireside too. Glad things are going well even if they are busy. Love you to pieces!!

  3. It's a great lesson to learn. Talking as a Momma of 4 you may feel very busy now, in fact you may be very busy...but just you wait! I'm enjoying my life too...even if I am busier than ever.
