Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When One Has Hit a Slump

What does one do when one hits the "I-don't-want-to-do-anything-remotely-school-related-because-I've-been-in-school-for-eight-months-and-it's-time-for-an-extended-break-and-who-cares-about-grades-anyway" doldrums? Sorry, let's focus that question a little more. What does one do other than peruse one's Facebook photos two or three times and stare at the computer, trying to think of some use for it other than a tool that makes it possible for one to complete the list of homework assignments due tomorrow? To keep this all hypothetical, let's assume one has got the obvious first solution down to an art form and one needs another way to cure one's rebelliously lazy and wandering mind. Just a little study case for you to exercise your brains on. Thoughts?


  1. What you need to do is call your overworked sister who will remind you that school is the greatest vacation you will ever have before you have kids....I mean....she will say you are doing a great job and make you feel all better!

  2. I say go to the creamery and indulge in milkshake to help clear your mind!

  3. Unfortunately the only cure for the doldrums is to get something productive done. At least this is true for me. I've also been facing that feeling quite a bit recently. I hate to say it but if you want to feel less blah you might have to get some work done. Sars lady.

  4. I agree with Anne, but I also think that making cookies would help too. Rebekah.
